Yet another Key/Value Storage ? I started developing OVO , my own implementation of a Key/Value Storage, six month ago because I wanted to test developing a project using the Go language. In the past , I had already worked on a similar project , GetCache , but it is developed with .Net framework . I don't think that the world lacks the Key / Value Storage , but for me it is treated to a great gym to train my Go . I have r ealized that this project with the Go language is extraordinarily simple and so I would like to share this experience. What is OVO Initially, the project aimed to create a distributed cache , like Memcached , that would allow to store objects and JSON structures quickly by spreading the load across multiple servers , and could run on any kind of Linux , Windows , iOS machine . Each cached object can have a time-to-live property ( TTL) set so that the removal is done automaticall...
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