Data Model Code Generation
Don't repeat yourself
Often developing applications we find ourselves writing the same code more than once and often this code regards access to data. If the data are stored on the relational database we need to implement the functions that perform the operations of create, read, update and delete (CRUD) and some other utility functions to retrieve a entity by primary key, count the entities in the table and etc.
We can write the same code for each entity or we can write the code generator that will implement it for us. For this reason code generators can be useful to produce the repetitive code that we should implement by hand, thus eliminating the tedious part of writing code.
We can write the same code for each entity or we can write the code generator that will implement it for us. For this reason code generators can be useful to produce the repetitive code that we should implement by hand, thus eliminating the tedious part of writing code.
Querying MySQL Information_Schema
In order to generate the code that accesses the entities we need to know the structure of these entities.
If the data are stored on the MySQL database we can query the "Information Schema" to know the database structure.
If the data are stored on the MySQL database we can query the "Information Schema" to know the database structure.
Information_schema contains a set of views that report information on the types of entities defined in the database. The complete description of this schema can be found in the official MySQL documentation.
Get the list of Tables and Views
The view Information_schema.TABLES contains all the tables end views defined in all the database of the MySQL server.
This snippet of code Go extract the list of MySQL tables.
This snippet of code Go extract the list of MySQL tables.
func readTables(conn *sql.DB, schema *model.DatabaseSchema) {
q := "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES "
q += "Where TABLE_SCHEMA=?"
rows, err := conn.Query(q, schema.SchemaName)
if err != nil {
for rows.Next() {
table := &model.Table{}
err := rows.Scan(&table.TableName)
if err != nil {
schema.Tables = append(schema.Tables, table)
log.Printf("Examining table %s\r\n", table.TableName)
readColums(conn, schema, table.TableName, &table.Columns)
for _, col := range table.Columns {
if col.IsPrimaryKey {
table.PrimaryKeys = append(table.PrimaryKeys, col)
} else {
table.OtherColumns = append(table.OtherColumns, col)
Get the list of Columns
The list of columns in a table can be achieved by querying the view Information_schema.COLUMNS.
func readColums(conn *sql.DB, schema *model.DatabaseSchema,
tableName string, colums *[]*model.Column) {
q += " FROM information_schema.COLUMNS "
rows, err := conn.Query(q, schema.SchemaName, tableName)
if err != nil {
for rows.Next() {
column := &model.Column{}
nullable := "NO"
columnKey, extra := "", ""
err := rows.Scan(&column.ColumnName, &column.ColumnName, &nullable, &column.DataType,
&column.CharacterMaximumLength, &column.NumericPrecision, &column.NumericScale, &column.ColumnType, &columnKey, &extra)
if err != nil {
//log.Printf("Examining column %s\r\n", column.ColumnName)
if "NO" == nullable {
column.IsNullable = false
} else {
column.IsNullable = true
if "PRI" == columnKey {
column.IsPrimaryKey = true
if "UNI" == columnKey {
column.IsUnique = true
if "auto_increment" == extra {
column.IsAutoIncrement = true
*colums = append(*colums, column)
Create the model structs using template
Before we can generate the code that performs the CRUD operations on entities, we want to produce the code of the structures that will contain the data.First we define objects that describe the package and structs and we map the database schema on these structs.
func ProduceModelPackage(config *model.Configuration,
schema *model.DatabaseSchema) (pkg *model.ModelPackage) {
pkg = &model.ModelPackage{PackageName: "model",
BasePackage: config.BasePackage}
for _, table := range schema.Tables {
mt:=&model.ModelType{TypeName: getModelTypeName(table.TableName),
PackageName: "model"}
pkg.ModelTypes = append(pkg.ModelTypes, mt)
for _, column := range table.Columns {
field := &model.ModelField{FieldName: getModelFieldName(
FieldType: getModelFieldType(pkg, column),
FieldMetadata: getFieldMetadata(pkg, column)}
if column.IsPrimaryKey {
field.IsPK = true
mt.PKFields = append(mt.PKFields, field)
} else {
mt.OtherFields = append(mt.OtherFields, field)
if column.IsAutoIncrement {
field.IsAutoInc = true
mt.Fields = append(mt.Fields, field)
for _, view := range schema.Views {
mt := &model.ModelType{TypeName: getModelTypeName(view.ViewName),
PackageName: "model"}
pkg.ViewModelTypes = append(pkg.ViewModelTypes, mt)
for _, column := range view.Columns {
field := &model.ModelField{FieldName: getModelFieldName
FieldType: getModelFieldType(pkg, column),
FieldMetadata: getFieldMetadata(pkg, column)}
mt.Fields = append(mt.Fields, field)
return pkg
Now we are using a template to create the structures that contain the data of the tables:
package {{.PackageName}} {{if .HasImports}}
{{range .ImportPackages}}import "{{.}}"
{{range .ModelTypes}}
// Data transfer object for {{.TypeName}}
type {{.TypeName}} struct {
{{range .Fields}}{{.FieldName}} {{.FieldType}} `{{.FieldMetadata}}`
{{range .ViewModelTypes}}
// Data transfer object for view {{.TypeName}}
type {{.TypeName}} struct {
{{range .Fields}}{{.FieldName}} {{.FieldType}} `{{.FieldMetadata}}`
Next step
Now that we got the structures that are going to contain the data we can proceed to create objects that access data (DAO), but this step will be treated in the next blog post.All code snippets of this article have been taken from the DinGo project, an open source code generator for Go available on GitHub.
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